The ‘Kellerwaldsteig’
While hiking the approx. 156 km long ‘Kellerwaldsteig’ – honored as a ‘Quality Hiking Trail - Hiking in Germany’ – you get to know the diverse and unique beauty of the Kellerwald-Edersee National and Nature Parks. All sights in the approx. 400 km² large Nature Park and the centrally embedded National Park are located along the hiking trail.
Experience the Edersee with its clean and clear waters, rustic stunted-growth forests in the north, giant beech trees in the National Park, idyllic villages with inviting country inns and, particularly in the south, the forest, field and meadow sections. The ‘Kellerwald Tower’ on the summit of the ‘Wüstegarten’, the highest elevation in the Nature Park, allows views far beyond the region. Alternative routes (marked in green / white) from Frankenau to Asel, from Frankenau to Herzhausen and from Frankenau to Hüddingen allow for the subdivision into northern, southern and western routes.